Exploring your ERO processes and systems

This webinar addresses recent ERO changes and the 'Improvement Framework,' focusing on clarifying overlaps, priorities, and time-efficient practices to help you enhance processes and meet expectations meaningfully.

Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm

Date: Wednesday 25 September

Format: Zoom webinar, recording and resources available via ECE Learning Unlimited

More information

Are you wondering what the recent ERO additions & changes along with the ‘Improvement Framework’ will mean for you & your team when ERO visits?

Are you concerned these could increase workload & confusion further?

The ECE sector is already aware of the various ERO books & requirements so rather than exploring in depth all of these, this webinar instead examines the overlaps & priorities to help improve clarity.

This webinar is for both less & more experienced leaders as principles & practices are considered as to how they can help or hinder the progression of your processes & systems.

Also explained is,

  • Increasing time efficient practices & evidence.
    • That help clarify & achieve expectations.
    • In ways that are meaningful to your ECE environment
  • How strengthening robust & innovative processes & systems can support clarity & the aspiration of a shared understanding both internally & externally.

This session will be convened by Simon Laube (Chief Executive) and presented by Bev Trim (ECE Taylored),there will be allocated time for questions.

About the presenter

Bev Trim

I have been an experienced ECE teacher & leader, always passionate about providing the best we can for children.

I have also been a lecturer & visiting lecturer for two different tertiary providers teaching 9 different courses for the Certificate Level 4, Bachelor of Education – Teaching ECE & for the Graduate Diploma, teaching face to face & by correspondence.

For the last 11 years I also have been a Mentor providing professional development as I am also dedicated to supporting teachers, leaders, managers & owners in ways that are meaningful, time efficient & positive.

Registration information

  • $40 for ECC Members
  • $120 for non members


You can register for this workshop on the ECC Learning Centre, powered by ECE Learning Unlimited.

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