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When asked, most centre managers believe they are fully aware of the Licensing Criteria requirements under GMA7a (Safety Checking) and that they are fully compliant. And yet, this is an area where ECC continues to see many centres still found to be non-compliant by ERO and MoE. Because of the potential risk to children, if ERO finds non-compliance they are very likely to use their protocol with the Ministry and you can then expect a licensing visit.
Safety checking non-compliance continues to lead to licence suspensions and closures, therefore ECC continues to make child protection compliance a top priority. A centre manager or owner is responsible for the system in place in your centre(s).
There are administrative components to a safety check which involve ticking boxes and making sure the paperwork is complete. However, there are also other child protection aspects that require asking the right questions during interviews and reference checks and making sure the risk assessment is thorough and complete – so it does the job. In the webinar we cover:
- Who do you need to check and who do you NOT need to check – all children’s workers must be checked but not necessarily by you
- New Police vetting process for all directors - who are not children’s workers
- Who conducts a safety check on managers and owners?
- What happens if staff cannot present a valid identification document?
- Are students and contractors safety checked? What about volunteers?
- What must be done if a police vet contains information other than specified offences?
This webinar addresses the ‘what ifs’ and discuss what should be done in a risk assessment.
What's included?
- 1 hour recording of the webinar
- Webinar slides
- Safety Checking Toolkit
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