Child Protection

Health and Wellbeing

ECC appreciate the importance of health and wellbeing in the ECE sector. Quality education and care requires significant mental and physical output, and sometimes this can negatively impact on the health and wellbeing of staff. Further to this, we work with diverse tamariki and whānau that may need extra support from time to time.

Inan effort to help ECE services in the provision of support to staff, tamarikiand whānau, ECC have compiled the following list of useful health and wellbeingresources:

For staff

Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand

HealthEd helplines and local mental health services

Gold Star educator programme

Healthify He Puna Waiora

For tamariki and whānau

Manaaki Tangata Victim Support

Child Matters services and resources

Brainwave charitable trust

If you have suggestions to add to our list, or notice a link that is broken, please contact

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