ECC Funding & Staffing Compliance Tool

The ECC Funding & Staffing Compliance Tool is a spreadsheet which allows you to calculate the financial implications of all funding options (Base Funding, Pay Parity, Extended Pay Parity and Full Parity) for your service(s) as well as compliance with 50% ECE qualified staff.

ECC Member price: $57.50


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More information

The Pay Parity Calculator is included as part of the 'Major Announcement - What All Education and Care Centres Need to Know' webinar which ran on Wednesday 13 September 2023.

About the webinar

Join Simon Laube (ECC CEO) and Lonnie Parker (ECC Treasurer and management consultant) for the next, must-see, webinar for owners and managers considering Pay Parity.

On 1 November 2023, a new Pay Parity policy begins – called Full Parity. It is essential for centres’ ongoing financial sustainability that they consider opting-in very carefully. It is not disputed by the Ministry of Education that there is a funding gap between the increased salary costs some employers will face and the ECE funding that accompanies pay parity. It is essential your centre is on the best-possible funding rates, based on your priority to be able to pay your teachers at the highest possible Pay Parity steps. However, if you choose the wrong policy you could put your service’s survival at risk, and this is not something teachers want either.

In this session we will:

  • Cover what the new salary scale is and accompanying funding rates and how these compare overall.
  • Share analysis of where all Education & Care services are at currently in terms of pay parity.
  • Provide a recommended option that ECC assesses would suit the majority of centres (but this does not change our advice that you each need to complete your own calculations prior to opting-in to any of the Pay Parity regimes).
  • Share our advice on where we expect things to go with the agreement of the Secondary Teachers’ collective and the collective-based flow-on requirements, and what the implications are for Education & Care services.

What's included?

By purchasing this resource, you will gain access to a folder containing:

  • ECC Pay Parity Calculator spreadsheet
  • Webinar recording (includes calculator demo)
  • Webinar presentation slides
  • Complete Q&A document

Want $345 off?

ECC members get a significant discount off the cost of the Pay Parity Calculator, and access to further support regarding Pay Parity.

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