Pay and Conditions

Teacher and Educator Survey

Regular surveys for teachers and educators in the ECE sector to gather insight and provide a voice for the teaching staff. Surveys are open to all teaching roles (qualified or unqualified) working in an education and care service.

More information

The ECC is committed to promoting high quality early childhood education and providing ongoing support for the sector. The purpose of this survey:

  • Gain insights on the experiences of teaching staff
  • Gather feedback on topical issues
  • Keep an up-to-date sector profile
  • Better advocate for the interests of the sector

In February 2023, we ran our first teacher survey which received 369 responses from across the sector.

All teachers and educators (qualified and unqualified) who work in an education and care centre (as classified by MoE) are eligible to complete the surveys, which are run three times a year. Participation is entirely voluntary, but we encourage you to use this opportunity to feedback to ECC and help us to better understand and represent the interests of the early learning sector.

Privacy and Data

All information and data submitted in the survey will be anonymised. No details will be shared with your employer, nor will it be possible for ECC to match your data to an employer if a private email address is submitted.